One of the most difficult things about the aftermath of loss is determining what will happen to a person’s estate and property. It is not easy to sort through items and determine who should have them or even what to do with the home of the deceased. If the deceased...
Estate Planning
Things to know about police interrogations
If a Missouri police officer stops you, he or she might start asking questions. Such questions might include queries regarding where you have been in the past hour or two, who you were with or what you were doing, such as whether you consumed alcohol or drugs. A...
Terms that will help you create a strong estate planning strategy
It can be intimidating to think about the future, especially what will happen after you pass away or what will happen in the event you become incapacitated. While these are not pleasant things to consider, it is essential for each Missouri adult to think about what...
Do you have any recourse after a denied workers’ comp claim?
When you suffer an injury at work, it can lead to complications in different areas of your life. You may find yourself dealing with medical bills you cannot pay, painful injuries and ongoing complications due to lost wages. Thankfully, many injured workers find...
Which workers’ compensation benefits are available to you?
Suffering an injury at work can be disheartening. Not only are you dealing with the pain and inconvenience of the physical injury, but you may also find yourself unable to work and earn an income as you did before the accident. You may have to miss work during your...
Would a trust be a beneficial addition to your estate plan?
One of the primary goals associated with the creation of an estate plan is to provide for your loved ones and maintain control over your assets in the future. You worked hard to build wealth and expand your estate, and you deserve to have the final say over what...
What steps should you take after a car accident?
A car accident can be a traumatic and overwhelming event. You may find that not only are you struggling with damage to your vehicle, you now have to deal with insurance, seek treatment for your injuries and figure out how to move forward. The aftermath of a motor...
The true dangers of driving while distracted
One of the most dangerous things a driver can do is assume that he or she can safely multitask while operating a vehicle. Despite what many think, it is always dangerous to drive while also doing something else, even if it seems like a minor thing. Distracted driving...
Where should you keep your critical estate planning documents?
One of your primary purposes for creating an estate plan is to have the final say over what happens to your personal property in the future. You may also want to have control over the specific types of medical care you could receive in the event of your...
What is the best defense when facing DUI charges?
Nothing can change the course of an evening out like seeing the flashing lights of a law enforcement vehicle in your rearview mirror. Once you pull over, you may find yourself subject to questioning from the police regarding your activities for the evening, including...